Fasting and Prayer

We are studying Isaiah chapter 2 tonight.  I know many of us have quoted his prophecies about the coming King but did you know at the thing that is central to all his messages is: That all human activity motivated by fear of anything but God is contrary to faith and will almost always lead the faithful astray. !

As I studied for tonight’s lesson I was overwhelmed with the power of his message starting around 742 B.C.  His vision in that year of God sitting on His throne emboldened him to preach the message of peace in a time of wars and rumors of wars.  He told them all that this time of man would cease and the time of the Lord would follow, during which there would be a period of enforced righteousness while Jesus sets up His kingdom in Jerusalem.  In the meantime, he said that they (us) do not have to wait for His return.  We can walk in the light of the Lord by ordering our life after God’s truth and God’s ways.  The ultimate reign of the Messiah may be many years away, but Jesus can reign in our lives, in our minds, and in our hearts right now.  We can have the blessings of Jesus’ righteousness in our lives right now!!!  They didn’t listen and paid an awful price, can we listen?  Verses 6-9 give us an example of the sins they kept committing.  Please read and learn to avoid them!!!

LIFE meets tonight at 7:00 when we will discuss this chapter in-depth.  Please join us.

Also, let me remind you of our special guest next Tuesday.  Dr. Ido Feidman and his wife will join us to share their intimate knowledge of the Holy Land complete with powerpoint presentation and authentic Israeli coffee and dessert.  Please let me know if you will be able to attend as I need to arrange seating.

Love, Jim

L.I.F.E. Ministries

114 Wynngate Rd.

Wilmington Island, GA 31410

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Jim Bulluck…..PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL CHANGE TO: [email protected]

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imitatio Christi